Problem 9 (200pts)

Implement the max_scoring_num_rolls function, which runs an experiment to determine the number of rolls (from 1 to 10) that gives the maximum average score for a turn. Your implementation should use make_averaged and roll_dice.

If two numbers of rolls are tied for the maximum average score, return the lower number. For example, if both 3 and 6 achieve a maximum average score, return 3.

You might find it useful to read the doctest and the example shown in the doctest for this problem before doing the unlocking test.

Important: In order to pass all of our tests, please make sure that you are testing dice rolls starting from 1 going up to 10, rather than starting from 10 to 1.

Before writing any code, unlock the tests to verify your understanding of the question.

$ python ok -q 09 -u

Once you are done unlocking, begin implementing your solution. You can check your correctness with:

$ python ok -q 09



  1. 按如下所示的方法修改文件结尾的def run(*args):这一行(这种格式叫做diff,你要做的是删除红色的内容,添加绿色的内容,也就是把定义函数的def语句换成一个if):
 # NOTE: Functions in this section do not need to be changed. They use features
 # of Python not yet covered in the course.

-def run(*args):
+if __name__ == '__main__':
     """Read in the command-line argument and calls corresponding functions."""
     import argparse
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Play Hog")
  1. 自己修改run_experiments的内容(函数的调用参数写错了,这就留给大家自己随意修改了)

Running experiments:

To run this experiment on randomized dice, call run_experiments using the -r option:

$ python -r

For the remainder of this project, you can change the implementation of run_experiments as you wish. The function includes calls to average_win_rate for evaluating various Hog strategies, but most of the calls are currently commented out. You can un-comment the calls to try out strategies, like to compare the win rate for always_roll(8) to the win rate for always_roll(6).

Some of the experiments may take up to a minute to run. You can always reduce the number of trials in your call to make_averaged to speed up experiments.

Running experiments won't affect your score on the project.