Problem 5 (400pts)



在解锁Problem 05测试点的过程中,你会遇到这样一个问题:

>>> # Hint: use Python!
>>> s0, s1 =, always(5), goal=20, dice=always_four)
>>> s0





Implement the play function, which simulates a full game of Hog. Players take turns rolling dice until one of the players reaches the goal score. A turn is defined as one roll of the dice.

To determine how many dice are rolled each turn, each player uses their respective strategy (Player 0 uses strategy0 and Player 1 uses strategy1). A strategy is a function that, given a player's score and their opponent's score, returns the number of dice that the current player will roll in the turn. Don't worry about implementing strategies yet; you'll do that in Phase 3.

Important: Your implementation should only need to use a single loop; you don't need multiple loops. Additionally, each strategy function should be called only once per turn. This means you only want to call strategy0 when it is Player 0's turn and only call strategy1 when it is Player 1's turn. Otherwise, the GUI and some ok tests may get confused.

If a player achieves the goal score by the end of their turn, i.e. after all applicable rules have been applied, the game ends. play will then return the final total scores of both players, with Player 0's score first and Player 1's score second.


  • You should call the functions you have implemented already.
  • Call take_turn with four arguments (don't forget to pass in the goal). Only call take_turn once per turn.
  • Call swine_swap to determine if two players will swap their scores.
  • You can get the number of the next player (either 0 or 1) by calling the provided function `next_player.
  • You can ignore the say argument to the play function for now. You will use it in Phase 2 of the project. For the unlocking tests, hog.always_roll refers to the always_roll function defined in

Before writing any code, unlock the tests to verify your understanding of the question.

$ python ok -q 05 -u

Once you are done unlocking, begin implementing your solution. You can check your correctness with:

$ python ok -q 05

Once you are finished, you will be able to play a graphical version of the game. We have provided a file called that you can run from the terminal:

$ python

The GUI relies on your implementation, so if you have any bugs in your code, they will be reflected in the GUI. This means you can also use the GUI as a debugging tool; however, it's better to run the tests first.

Congratulations! You have finished Phase 1 of this project!