Problem 0 (0pts)

The file represents dice using non-pure zero-argument functions. These functions are non-pure because they may have different return values each time they are called. The documentation of describes the two different types of dice used in the project:

  • A fair dice produces each possible outcome with equal probability. Two fair dice are already defined, four_sided and six_sided, and are generated by the make_fair_dice function.
  • A test dice is deterministic: it always cycles through a fixed sequence of values that are passed as arguments. Test dice are generated by the make_test_dice function.

Before writing any code, read over the file and check your understanding by unlocking the following tests.

$ python ok -q 00 -u

This should display a prompt that looks like this:

Assignment: proj01: Hog
Ok, version vx.y.z

Unlocking tests

At each "? ", type what you would expect the output to be.
Type exit() to quit

Question 0 > Suite 1 > Case 1
(cases remaining: 1)

>>> test_dice = make_test_dice(4, 1, 2)
>>> test_dice()

You should type in what you expect the output to be. To do so, you need to first figure out what test_dice will do, based on the description above.

You can exit the unlocker by typing exit().

Typing Ctrl-C on Windows to exit out of the unlocker has been known to cause problems, so avoid doing so.

In general, for each of the unlocking tests, you might find it helpful to read through the provided skeleton for that problem before attempting the unlocking test.