Problem 8 (200pts)

Implement the make_averaged function, which is a higher-order function that takes a function original_function as an argument.

The return value of make_averaged is a function that takes in the same number of arguments as original_function. When we call this returned function on arguments, it will return the average value of repeatedly calling original_function on the arguments passed in.

Specifically, this function should call original_function a total of trials_count times and return the average of the results of these calls.

Important: To implement this function, you will need to use a new piece of Python syntax. We would like to write a function that accepts an arbitrary number of arguments, and then calls another function using exactly those arguments. Here's how it works.

Instead of listing formal parameters for a function, you can write *args, which represents all of the arguments that get passed into the function. We can then call another function with these same arguments by passing these *args into this other function. For example:

>>> def printed(f):
...     def print_and_return(*args):
...         result = f(*args)
...         print('Result:', result)
...         return result
...     return print_and_return
>>> printed_pow = printed(pow)
>>> printed_pow(2, 8)
Result: 256
>>> printed_abs = printed(abs)
>>> printed_abs(-10)
Result: 10

Here, we can pass any number of arguments into print_and_return via the *args syntax. We can also use *args inside our print_and_return function to make another function call with the same arguments.

Read the docstring for make_averaged carefully to understand how it is meant to work.

Before writing any code, unlock the tests to verify your understanding of the question.

$ python ok -q 08 -u

Once you are done unlocking, begin implementing your solution. You can check your correctness with:

$ python ok -q 08