Problem 0 (0pts): About the Game

Answer the following questions after you have read the entire file, to guarantee you have the right understanding about the game.

python ok -q 00 -u

If you get stuck while answering these questions, you can try reading through again, consult the core concepts or core classes sections above.

  1. What is the significance of an Insect's health attribute? Does this value change? If so, how?
  2. Which of the following is a class attribute of the Insect class?
  3. Is the health attribute of the Ant class an instance attribute or a class attribute? Why?
  4. Is the damage attribute of an Ant subclass (such as ThrowerAnt) an instance attribute or class attribute? Why?
  5. Which class do both Ant and Bee inherit from?
  6. What do instances of Ant and instances of Bee have in common?
  7. How many insects can be in a single Place at any given time (before Problem 8)?
  8. What does a Bee do during one of its turns?
  9. When is the game lost?

Remember to run:

python ok -q 00 -u