
Please download homework materials from our QQ group if you don't have one.

In this homework, you are required to complete the problems described in section 2. The starter code for these problems is provided in hw09.scm.

Note: You are supposed to finish Problem 4, 5, 6 after Wednesday's lecture about Macros.

Submission: As instructed before, you need to submit your work with Ok by python ok --submit. You may submit more than once before the deadline, and your score of this assignment will be the highest one of all your submissions.

Readings: You might find the following references to the textbook useful:


Consult this section if you need a refresher on the material for this lab. It's okay to skip directly to the next section and refer back here when you get stuck.

Tail Recursion

Recall from lecture that Scheme supports tail-call optimization. The example we used was factorial (shown in both Python and Scheme):

def fact(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    return n * fact(n - 1)
(define (fact n)
    (if (= n 0)
        (* n (fact (- n 1)))))

Notice that in this version of factorial, the return expressions both use recursive calls, and then use the values for more "work." In other words, the current frame needs to sit around, waiting for the recursive call to return with a value. Then the current frame can use that value to calculate the final answer.

As an example, consider a call to fact(5) (Shown with Scheme below). We make a new frame for the call, and in carrying out the body of the function, we hit the recursive case, where we want to multiply 5 by the return value of the call to fact(4). Then we want to return this product as the answer to fact(5). However, before calculating this product, we must wait for the call to fact(4). The current frame stays while it waits. This is true for every successive recursive call, so by calling fact(5), at one point we will have the frame of fact(5) as well as the frames of fact(4), fact(3), fact(2), and fact(1), all waiting for fact(0).

(fact 5)
(* 5 (fact 4))
(* 5 (* 4 (fact 3)))
(* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (fact 2))))
(* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (* 2 (fact 1)))))
(* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (fact 0))))))
(* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 1)))))
(* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (* 2 1))))
(* 5 (* 4 (* 3 2)))
(* 5 (* 4 6))
(* 5 24)

Keeping all these frames around wastes a lot of space, so our goal is to come up with an implementation of factorial that uses a constant amount of space. We notice that in Python we can do this with a while loop:

def fact_while(n):
    total = 1
    while n > 0:
        total = total * n
        n = n - 1
    return total

However, Scheme doesn't have for and while constructs. No problem! Everything that can be written with while and for loops and also be written recursively. Instead of a variable, we introduce a new parameter to keep track of the total.

def fact(n):
    def fact_optimized(n, total):
        if n == 0:
            return total
        return fact_optimized(n - 1, total * n)
    return fact_optimized(n, 1)
(define (fact n)
    (define (fact-optimized n total)
        (if (= n 0)
            (fact-optimized (- n 1) (* total n))))
    (fact-optimized n 1))

Why is this better? Consider calling fact(n) on based on this definition:

(fact 5)
(fact-optimized 5   1)
(fact-optimized 4   5)
(fact-optimized 3  20)
(fact-optimized 2  60)
(fact-optimized 1 120)
(fact-optimized 0 120)

Because Scheme supports tail-call optimization (note that Python does not), it knows when it no longer needs to keep around frames because there is no further calculation to do. Looking at the last line in fact_optimized, we notice that it returns the same thing that the recursive call does, no more work required. Scheme realizes that there is no reason to keep around a frame that has no work left to do, so it just has the return of the recursive call return directly to whatever called the current frame.

Therefore the last line in fact_optimized is a tail-call.


So far we've been able to define our own procedures in Scheme using the define special form. When we call these procedures, we have to follow the rules for evaluating call expressions, which involve evaluating all the operands.

We know that special form expressions do not follow the evaluation rules of call expressions. Instead, each special form has its own rules of evaluation, which may include not evaluating all the operands. Wouldn't it be cool if we could define our own special forms where we decide which operands are evaluated? Consider the following example where we attempt to write a function that evaluates a given expression twice:

scm> (define (twice f) (begin f f))
scm> (twice (print 'woof))

Since twice is a regular procedure, a call to twice will follow the same rules of evaluation as regular call expressions; first we evaluate the operator and then we evaluate the operands. That means that woof was printed when we evaluated the operand (print 'woof). Inside the body of twice, the name f is bound to the value undefined, so the expression (begin f f) does nothing at all!

The problem here is clear: we need to prevent the given expression from evaluating until we're inside the body of the procedure. This is where the define-macro special form, which has identical syntax to the regular define form, comes in:

scm> (define-macro (twice f) (list 'begin f f))

define-macro allows us to define what's known as a macro, which is simply a way for us to combine unevaluated input expressions together into another expression. When we call macros, the operands are not evaluated, but rather are treated as Scheme data. This means that any operands that are call expressions or special form expression are treated like lists.

If we call (twice (print 'woof)), f will actually be bound to the list (print 'woof) instead of the value undefined. Inside the body of define-macro, we can insert these expressions into a larger Scheme expression. In our case, we would want a begin expression that looks like the following:

(begin (print 'woof) (print 'woof))

As Scheme data, this expression is really just a list containing three elements: begin and (print 'woof) twice, which is exactly what (list 'begin f f) returns. Now, when we call twice, this list is evaluated as an expression and (print 'woof) is evaluated twice.

scm> (twice (print 'woof))

To recap, macros are called similarly to regular procedures, but the rules for evaluating them are different. We evaluated lambda procedures in the following way:

  • Evaluate operator
  • Evaluate operands
  • Apply operator to operands, evaluating the body of the procedure

However, the rules for evaluating calls to macro procedures are:

  • Evaluate operator
  • Apply operator to unevaluated operands
  • Evaluate the expression returned by the macro in the frame it was called in.

What Would Scheme Display

One thing to keep in mind when doing this question, builtins get rendered as such:

scm> +
scm> list

If evaluating an expression causes an error, type SchemeError. If nothing is displayed, type Nothing.

Use Ok to test your knowledge with the following "What Would Scheme Display?" questions:

python ok -q wwsd -u
scm> +
scm> list
scm> (define-macro (f x) (car x))
scm> (f (2 3 4)) ; type SchemeError for error, or Nothing for nothing
scm> (f (+ 2 3))
scm> (define x 2000)
scm> (f (x y z))
scm> (f (list 2 3 4))
scm> (f (quote (2 3 4)))
scm> (define quote 7000)
scm> (f (quote (2 3 4)))
scm> (define-macro (g x) (+ x 2))
scm> (g 2)
scm> (g (+ 2 3))
scm> (define-macro (h x) (list '+ x 2))
scm> (h (+ 2 3))
scm> (define-macro (if-else-5 condition consequent) `(if ,condition ,consequent 5))
scm> (if-else-5 #t 2)
scm> (if-else-5 #f 3)
scm> (if-else-5 #t (/ 1 0))
scm> (if-else-5 #f (/ 1 0))
scm> (if-else-5 (= 1 1) 2)
scm> '(1 x 3)
scm> (define x 2)
scm> `(1 x 3)
scm> `(1 ,x 3)
scm> '(1 ,x 3)
scm> `(,1 x 3)
scm> `,(+ 1 x 3)
scm> `(1 (,x) 3)
scm> `(1 ,(+ x 2) 3)
scm> (define y 3)
scm> `(x ,(* y x) y)
scm> `(1 ,(cons x (list y 4)) 5)

Required Problems

In this section, you are required to complete the problems below and submit your code to OJ website.

Remember, you can use ok to test your code:

$ python ok  # test all functions
$ python ok -q <function>  # test single function

Problem 1: Count Change III (100 pts)

Write a procedure make-change, which takes in positive integers total and biggest and outputs a list of lists, in which each inner list contains positive numbers no larger than biggest that sum to total.

Note: Both outer list and inner lists should be descending ordered.

Hint: You may find Scheme built-in procedure append useful.

(define (make-change total biggest)

;;; Tests
; scm> (make-change 2 2)
; ((2) (1 1))
; scm> (make-change 3 3)
; ((3) (2 1) (1 1 1))
; scm> (make-change 4 3)
; ((3 1) (2 2) (2 1 1) (1 1 1 1))

Problem 2: Find It! (100 pts)

Implement the Scheme procedure find, which takes a number n and a list of numbers lst. It returns the position (i.e. index) where n appears in lst. Assume that n appears exactly once in lst.

Note: Your solution should be tail-recursive.

(define (find n lst)

;;; Tests
; scm> (find 1 '(1 2 3))
; 0
; scm> (find 2 '(1 2 3))
; 1

Problem 3: Find It! II (100 pts)

Implement the Scheme procedure find-nest, which takes a number n and a symbol sym that is bound to a nested list of numbers. It returns a Scheme expression that evaluates to n by repeatedly applying car and cdr to the nested list. Assume that n appears exactly once in the nested list bound to sym.

(define (find-nest n sym)

;;; Tests
; scm> (define a '(1 (2 3) ((4))))
; a
; scm> (find-nest 1 'a)
; (car a)
; scm> (find-nest 2 'a)
; (car (car (cdr a)))

Problem 4: Scheme Def (100 pts)

Note: You are supposed to finish this problem after Wednesday's lecture about Macros.

Implement def, which simulates a python def statement, allowing you to write code like (def f(x y) (+ x y)).

The above expression should create a function with parameters x and y, and body (+ x y), then bind it to the name f in the current frame.


  1. the previous is equivalent to (def f (x y) (+ x y)).
  2. body stands for a single expression. Expressions like (def f (x y) (print x) (print y) is outside the scope of this problem, you don't need to care about it.

Hint: We strongly suggest doing the WWSD questions on macros first as understanding the rules of macro evaluation is key in writing macros.

(define-macro (def func args body)

;;; Tests
; scm> (def f(x y) (+ x y))
; f
; scm> (f 1 2)
; 3

Problem 5: K-Curry (100 pts)

Note: You are supposed to finish this problem after Wednesday's lecture about Macros.

Write the macro k-curry, which takes in a function fn, a list of the function's arguments args, a list of k values to substitute in for these arguments, and a sorted list of k non-negative indices specifying which arguments to pass values from vals into. k-curry will return a new function which takes in whatever arguments are remaining from fn's list of arguments, with the arguments picked out by indices automatically filled in with the values from vals.

Hint: Write helper functions outside the macro, and use them inside the macro.

(define-macro (k-curry fn args vals indices)

;;; Tests
; scm> (define (f a b c d) (- (+ a c) (+ b d)))
; f
; scm> (define minus-six (k-curry f (a b c d) (2 4) (1 3)))
; minus-six
; scm> (minus-six 8 10) ; (- (+ 8 10) (+ 2 4))
; 12

Problem 6: Let *! (100 pts)

Note: You are supposed to finish this problem after Wednesday's lecture about Macros.

Let's meet a new special form let*, which has a form similar to let:

  ((name1 expr1)
   (name2 expr2)
   (nameN exprN))

What let* does is similar to let, and the only difference is that the bindings are performed sequentially (one by one), i.e., expr1 is evaluated first and name1 is immediately bound to it, then expr2 and name2, and so on. In contrast, with let, expr1 through exprN are firstly evaluated without binding name1, ..., nameN to them; after that, the names are bound to the corresponding values.


  1. expr stands for a single expression. Expressions like (let* ((x 1) (y (+ x 1))) (print x) y) is outside the scope of this problem, you don't need to care about it.
  2. expr should always be evaled in the local frame.

Hint1: Use recursion, it is available in macro.

Hint2: You can use let to implement let*.

(define-macro (let* bindings expr)

;;; Tests
; scm> (define y 0)
; y
; scm> (let* ((x 1) (y (+ x 1))) y)
; 2
; scm> y
; 0

Just for fun Problems

This section is out of scope for our course, so the problems below is optional. That is, the problems in this section don't count for your final score and don't have any deadline. Do it at any time if you want an extra challenge!

To check the correctness of your answer, you can submit your code to ok.

Problem 7: Find It! III (optional, 0pts)

Implement the find-in-tree procedure, which takes a Scheme tree t, a target value goal and returns a list containing all paths from the root of t to all node containing goal. If no such path exists, find-in-tree returns an empty list. The return list should be sorted by the end of each path, according to preorder traversal order.

(define (find-in-tree t goal)

;;; Tests
; A tree for test
(define t1 (tree 1
    (tree 2
        (tree 3 nil)
        (tree 7 (list
          (tree 7 nil)))))
    (tree 3 nil)
    (tree 6
        (tree 7 nil))))))

; scm> (find-in-tree t1 0)
; ()
; scm> (find-in-tree t1 2)
; ((1 2))
; scm> (find-in-tree t1 3)
; ((1 2 3) (1 3))
; scm> (find-in-tree t1 7)
; ((1 2 7) (1 2 7 7) (1 6 7))

Problem 8: Infix (optional, 0pts)

One annoying thing about Scheme is that it can only understand arithmetic operations that are written in prefix notation. That is, if I want to evaluate an expression, the arithmetic operator must come first, which is different than in math class.

Let’s leverage our skills to define a Scheme macro infix that accepts arithmetic operations with infix notation, which places operators between operands as you are used to. You only need to support the addition and multiplication operators * and +.

There are 2 ways to solve this problem -- calculate the value of the expression directly, or just adjust the order of operators and operands.

There are 4 test cases in our Online Judge, their requirements are detailed in the table below.

Test CaseExtra Restrictions on expr
8.1Atomic operands are all numbers, expr is either an atomic operand or a three-element list (expr op expr).
8.2expr is either an atomic operand or a three-element list (expr op expr).
8.3Atomic operands are all numbers.

If you choose to solve only 8.1 and 8.2, the solution can be very simple (less than 120 characters), give a try!

(define-macro (infix expr)

;;; Tests
; scm> (define x 5)
; x
; scm> (infix ((1 + 2) * (3 + 4)))
; 21
; scm> (infix ((1 + 2) * (3 + x)))
; 24
; scm> (infix (1 + 2 * 3 + 4))
; 11
; scm> (infix (1 + 2 * 3 + x))
; 12