Problem 7: Find It! III (optional, 0pts)

Implement the find-in-tree procedure, which takes a Scheme tree t, a target value goal and returns a list containing all paths from the root of t to all node containing goal. If no such path exists, find-in-tree returns an empty list. The return list should be sorted by the end of each path, according to preorder traversal order.

(define (find-in-tree t goal)

;;; Tests
; A tree for test
(define t1 (tree 1
    (tree 2
        (tree 3 nil)
        (tree 7 (list
          (tree 7 nil)))))
    (tree 3 nil)
    (tree 6
        (tree 7 nil))))))

; scm> (find-in-tree t1 0)
; ()
; scm> (find-in-tree t1 2)
; ((1 2))
; scm> (find-in-tree t1 3)
; ((1 2 3) (1 3))
; scm> (find-in-tree t1 7)
; ((1 2 7) (1 2 7 7) (1 6 7))