Problem 5: K-Curry (100 pts)

Note: You are supposed to finish this problem after Wednesday's lecture about Macros.

Write the macro k-curry, which takes in a function fn, a list of the function's arguments args, a list of k values to substitute in for these arguments, and a sorted list of k non-negative indices specifying which arguments to pass values from vals into. k-curry will return a new function which takes in whatever arguments are remaining from fn's list of arguments, with the arguments picked out by indices automatically filled in with the values from vals.

Hint: Write helper functions outside the macro, and use them inside the macro.

(define-macro (k-curry fn args vals indices)

;;; Tests
; scm> (define (f a b c d) (- (+ a c) (+ b d)))
; f
; scm> (define minus-six (k-curry f (a b c d) (2 4) (1 3)))
; minus-six
; scm> (minus-six 8 10) ; (- (+ 8 10) (+ 2 4))
; 12