Problem 12 (150pts): and & or

Implement do_and_form and do_or_form so that and and or expressions (spec) are evaluated correctly.

The logical forms and and or are short-circuiting. For and, your interpreter should evaluate each sub-expression from left to right, and if any of these is a false value, return that value. Otherwise, return the value of the last sub-expression. If there are no sub-expressions in an and expression, it evaluates to #t.

scm> (and)
scm> (and 4 5 6)  ; all operands are true values
scm> (and 4 5 (+ 3 3))
scm> (and #t #f 42 (/ 1 0))  ; short-circuiting behavior of and

For the and and or forms, remember to use our internal Python representations of #t and #f. See internal representations from Lab 11.

For or, evaluate each sub-expression from left to right. If any sub-expression evaluates to a true value, return that value. Otherwise, return the value of the last sub-expression. If there are no sub-expressions in an or expression, it evaluates to #f.

scm> (or)
scm> (or 5 2 1)  ; 5 is a true value
scm> (or #f (- 1 1) 1)  ; 0 is a true value in Scheme
scm> (or 4 #t (/ 1 0))  ; short-circuiting behavior of or

Important: Use the provided Python functions is_scheme_true and is_scheme_false from to test boolean values.

Use Ok to unlock and test your code:

python ok -q 12 -u
python ok -q 12