Problem 5 (150pts): 'quote

In Scheme, you can quote expressions in two ways: with the quote special form (spec) or with the symbol '. The reader converts '... into (quote ...), so that your interpreter only needs to evaluate the (quote ...) syntax. The quote special form returns its operand expression without evaluating it:

scm> (quote hello) hello scm> '(cons 1 2) ; Equivalent to (quote (cons 1 2)) (cons 1 2)

Implement the do_quote_form function in so that it simply returns the unevaluated operand of the (quote ...) expression.

Use Ok to unlock and test your code:

python ok -q 05 -u python ok -q 05

After completing this function, you should be able to evaluate quoted expressions. Try out some of the following in your interpreter!

scm> (quote a) a scm> (quote (1 2)) (1 2) scm> (quote (1 (2 three (4 5)))) (1 (2 three (4 5))) scm> (car (quote (a b))) a scm> 'hello hello scm> '(1 2) (1 2) scm> '(1 (2 three (4 5))) (1 (2 three (4 5))) scm> (car '(a b)) a scm> (eval (cons 'car '('(1 2)))) 1 scm> (eval (define tau 6.28)) 6.28 scm> (eval 'tau) 6.28 scm> tau 6.28

Congradulations! You now finish part 1 of this project.