Problem 10 (200pts): fastest_words

Implement fastest_words, which returns which words each player typed fastest. This function is called once both players have finished typing. It takes in a game.

The game argument is a game data abstraction, like the one returned in Problem 9. You can access words in the game with selectors word_at, which takes in a game and the word_index (an integer). You can access the time it took any player to type any word using the time function provided in

The fastest_words function returns a list of lists of words, one list for each player, and within each list the words they typed the fastest. In the case of a tie, consider the earliest player in the list (the smallest player index) to be the one who typed it the fastest.

Be sure to use the accessor functions for the game data abstraction, rather than assuming a particular data format.

Congratulations! Now you can play against other students in the course. Set enable_multiplayer to True near the bottom of and type swiftly!


You can open multitabs in a brower to visit your game and test your implementation alone. Or you can call your friend up to compete with you :D

It seems that your is running in your own brower, then how could they communicate with each other? In fact, gui.pys do not know each other, they are just a client which will connect to's server program. That program will handle all clients requests and response back.

Congratulations, you have reached the end of your second project! If you haven't already, relax and enjoy a few games of Cats with a friend.

# Test your implementation
python ok -q 10