Problem 8 (200pts): report_progress

Implement report_progress, which is called every time the user finishes typing a word. It takes a list of the words typed, a list of the words in the prompt, the user id, and a send function that is used to send a progress report to the multiplayer server. Note that there will never be more words in typed than in prompt.

Your progress is a ratio of the words in the prompt that you have typed correctly, up to the first incorrect word, divided by the number of prompt words. For example, this example has a progress of 0.25:

report_progress(["Hello", "ths", "is"], ["Hello", "this", "is", "wrong"], ...)

Your report_progress function should return this number. Before that, it should send a message to the multiplayer server that is a two-element dictionary containing the keys 'id' and 'progress'. The id is passed into report_progress from the GUI. The progress is the fraction you compute. Call send on this dictionary to send it to the multiplayer server.

# Test your implementation
python ok -q 08