Problem 2: Evaluating Call Expressions (200 pts)

Now, let's add logic for evaluating call expressions, such as add(2, 3). Remember that a call expression consists of an operator and 0 or more operands.

In our implementation, a call expression is represented as a CallExpr instance. Each instance of the CallExpr class has the attributes operator and operands. operator is an instance of Expr, and, since a call expression can have multiple operands, operands is a list of Expr instances.

For example, in the CallExpr instance representing add(3, 4):

  • self.operator would be Name('add')
  • self.operands would be the list [Literal(3), Literal(4)]

In CallExpr.eval, implement the three steps to evaluate a call expression:

  1. Evaluate the operator in the current environment.
  2. Evaluate the operand(s) in the current environment.
  3. Apply the value of the operator, a function, to the value(s) of the operand(s).

Hint: Since the operator and operands are all instances of Expr, you can evaluate them by calling their eval methods. Also, you can apply a function (an instance of PrimitiveFunction or LambdaFunction) by calling its apply method, which takes in a list of arguments (Value instances).

def eval(self, env):
    >>> from reader import read
    >>> new_env = global_env.copy()
    >>> new_env.update({'a': Number(1), 'b': Number(2)})
    >>> add = CallExpr(Name('add'), [Literal(3), Name('a')])
    >>> add.eval(new_env)
    >>> new_env['a'] = Number(5)
    >>> add.eval(new_env)
    >>> read('max(b, a, 4, -1)').eval(new_env)
    >>> read('add(mul(3, 4), b)').eval(new_env)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

Use Ok to test your code:

python ok -q callexpr_eval

Now that you have implemented the evaluation of call expressions, we can use our interpreter for simple expressions like sub(3, 4) and add(mul(4, 5), 4). Open your interpreter to do some cool math:
