
An interpreter is a program that allows you to interact with the computer in a certain language. It understands the expressions that you type in through that language, and performs the corresponding actions in some way, usually using an underlying language.

In Project 4, you will use (or might have used) Python to implement an interpreter for Scheme. The Python interpreter that you've been using all semester is written (mostly) in the C programming language. The computer itself uses hardware to interpret machine code (a series of ones and zeros that represent basic operations like adding numbers, loading information from memory, etc).

When we talk about an interpreter, there are two languages at work:

  1. The language being interpreted/implemented. In this lab, you will implement the PyCombinator language.
  2. The underlying implementation language. In this lab, you will use Python to implement the PyCombinator language.

Note that the underlying language need not be different from the implemented language. In fact, in this lab we are going to implement a smaller version of Python (PyCombinator) using Python! This idea is called Metacircular Evaluation.

Many interpreters use a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL). This loop waits for user input, and then processes it in three steps:

  • Read: The interpreter takes the user input (a string) and passes it through a lexer and parser.
    • The lexer turns the user input string into atomic pieces (tokens) that are like "words" of the implemented language.
    • The parser takes the tokens and organizes them into data structures that the underlying language can understand.
  • Eval: Mutual recursion between eval and apply evaluate the expression to obtain a value.
    • Eval takes an expression and evaluates it according to the rules of the language. Evaluating a call expression involves calling apply to apply an evaluated operator to its evaluated operands.
    • Apply takes an evaluated operator, i.e., a function, and applies it to the call expression's arguments. Apply may call eval to do more work in the body of the function, so eval and apply are mutually recursive.
  • Print: Display the result of evaluating the user input.

Here's how all the pieces fit together:

         +-------------------------------- Loop -----------+
         |                                                 |
         |  +-------+   +--------+   +-------+   +-------+ |
Input ---+->| Lexer |-->| Parser |-->| Eval  |-->| Print |-+--> Output
         |  +-------+   +--------+   +-------+   +-------+ |
         |                              ^  |               |
         |                              |  v               |
         ^                           +-------+             v
         |                           | Apply |             |
         |    REPL                   +-------+             |