Problem 1: Password Protected Account (100pts)

In the lecture, we learned how to use functions to create mutable objects. Below is a function make_withdraw which produces a function that can withdraw money from an account:

def make_withdraw(balance):
    """Return a withdraw function with BALANCE as its starting balance.
    >>> withdraw = make_withdraw(1000)
    >>> withdraw(100)
    >>> withdraw(100)
    >>> withdraw(900)
    'Insufficient funds'
    def withdraw(amount):
        nonlocal balance
        if amount > balance:
           return 'Insufficient funds'
        balance = balance - amount
        return balance
    return withdraw

Write a version of the make_withdraw function that returns password-protected withdraw functions. That is, make_withdraw should take a password argument (a string) in addition to an initial balance. The returned function should take two arguments: an amount to withdraw and a password.

A password-protected withdraw function should only process withdrawals that include a password that matches the original. Upon receiving an incorrect password, the function should:

  1. Store that incorrect password in a list, and
  2. Return the string 'Incorrect password'.

If a withdraw function has been called three times with incorrect passwords <p1>, <p2>, and <p3>, then it is locked. All subsequent calls to the function should return:

"Your account is locked. Attempts: [<p1>, <p2>, <p3>]"

The incorrect passwords may be the same or different:

def make_withdraw(balance, password):
    """Return a password-protected withdraw function.

    >>> w = make_withdraw(100, 'hax0r')
    >>> w(25, 'hax0r')
    >>> error = w(90, 'hax0r')
    >>> error
    'Insufficient funds'
    >>> error = w(25, 'hwat')
    >>> error
    'Incorrect password'
    >>> new_bal = w(25, 'hax0r')
    >>> new_bal
    >>> w(75, 'a')
    'Incorrect password'
    >>> w(10, 'hax0r')
    >>> w(20, 'n00b')
    'Incorrect password'
    >>> w(10, 'hax0r')
    "Your account is locked. Attempts: ['hwat', 'a', 'n00b']"
    >>> w(10, 'l33t')
    "Your account is locked. Attempts: ['hwat', 'a', 'n00b']"
    >>> type(w(10, 'l33t')) == str
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

You may find Python string formatting syntax useful. A quick example:

>>> ten, twenty, thirty = 10, 'twenty', [30]
>>> '{0} plus {1} is {2}'.format(ten, twenty, thirty)
'10 plus twenty is [30]'