Problem 8: All-Ys Has Been (0pts)

Given mystery function Y, complete fib_maker and number_of_six_maker so that the given doctests work correctly.

When Y is called on fib_maker, it should return a function which takes a positive integer n and returns the nth Fibonacci number.

Similarly, when Y is called on number_of_six_maker it should return a function that takes a positive integer x and returns the number of times the digit 6 appears in x.

Hint: You may use the ternary operator <a> if <bool-exp> else <b>, which evaluates to <a> if <bool-exp> is truthy and evaluates to <b> if <bool-exp> is false-y.

Y = lambda f: (lambda x: x(x))(lambda x: f(lambda z: x(x)(z)))
fib_maker = lambda f: lambda r: 'YOUR_EXPRESSION_HERE'
number_of_six_maker = lambda f: lambda r: 'YOUR_EXPRESSION_HERE'

my_fib = Y(fib_maker)
my_number_of_six = Y(number_of_six_maker)

# This code sets up doctests for my_fib and my_number_of_six.

my_fib.__name__ = 'my_fib'
my_fib.__doc__="""Given n, returns the nth Fibonacci nuimber.

>>> my_fib(0)
>>> my_fib(1)
>>> my_fib(2)
>>> my_fib(3)
>>> my_fib(4)
>>> my_fib(5)

my_number_of_six.__name__ = 'my_number_of_six'
my_number_of_six.__doc__="""Return the number of 6 in each digit of a positive integer n.

>>> my_number_of_six(666)
>>> my_number_of_six(123456)

Remember to use Ok to test your code:

$ python ok -q my_fib
$ python ok -q my_number_of_six