What Would Python Display?
Use Ok to test your knowledge with the following "What Would Python Display?" questions:
python ok -q wwpd -u
Important: Enter
if aStopIteration
exception occurs,Error
if you believe a different error occurs, andIterator
if the output is an iterator object.
>>> s = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> t = iter(s)
>>> next(s)
>>> next(t)
>>> next(t)
>>> iter(s)
>>> next(iter(s))
>>> next(iter(t))
>>> next(iter(s))
>>> next(iter(t))
>>> next(t)
>>> r = range(6)
>>> r_iter = iter(r)
>>> next(r_iter)
>>> [x + 1 for x in r]
>>> [x + 1 for x in r_iter]
>>> next(r_iter)
>>> list(range(-2, 4)) # Converts an iterable into a list
>>> map_iter = map(lambda x : x + 10, range(5))
>>> next(map_iter)
>>> next(map_iter)
>>> list(map_iter)
>>> for e in filter(lambda x : x % 2 == 0, range(1000, 1008)):
... print(e)
>>> [x + y for x, y in zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])]
>>> for e in zip([10, 9, 8], range(3)):
... print(tuple(map(lambda x: x + 2, e)))