Question 1: Make Adder

Draw the environment diagram for the following code:

n = 9
def make_adder(n):
    return lambda k: k + n
add_ten = make_adder(n+1)
result = add_ten(n)

There are 3 frames total (including the Global frame). In addition, consider the following questions:

  1. In the Global frame, the name add_ten points to a function object. What is the intrinsic name of that function object, and what frame is its parent?
  2. In frame f2, what name is the frame labeled with (add_ten or λ)? Which frame is the parent of f2?
  3. What value is the variable result bound to in the Global frame?

You can try out the environment diagram at To see the environment diagram for this question, click here.

  1. The intrinsic name of the function object that add_ten points to is λ (specifically, the lambda whose parameter is k). The parent frame of this lambda is f1.
  2. f2 is labeled with the name λ the parent frame of f2 is f1, since that is where λ is defined.
  3. The variable result is bound to 19.