Problem 4.2: Construct the Sentence
Let's generate some sentences! Suppose we're given a starting word. We can look up this word in our table to find its list of successors, and then randomly select a word from this list to be the next word in the sentence. Then we just repeat until we reach some ending punctuation.
This might not be a bad time to play around with adding strings together as well. Let's fill in the construct_sent
def construct_sent(word, table):
"""Prints a random sentence starting with word, sampling from
>>> table = {'Wow': ['!'], 'Sentences': ['are'], 'are': ['cool'], 'cool': ['.']}
>>> construct_sent('Wow', table)
>>> construct_sent('Sentences', table)
'Sentences are cool.'
import random
result = ''
while word not in ['.', '!', '?']:
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
return result.strip() + word
Hint: to randomly select from a list, import the Python random library with import random
and use the expression random.choice(my_list)